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Showing posts from September, 2017

Girls Only Coding Club

When school began this year, our principal shared a new initiative. We would lead student clubs, during the instructional day, for 90 minutes every other month.  Being that this is only my second year as a Technology Integration Specialist in an elementary school, the idea of leading a computer based club was a little intimidating, but I knew I wanted to do just that. Fortunately our school is 1:1 with Chromebooks in grades 2-5, so access to technology is not a problem.   The idea of coding had crossed my mind.  I promoted the Hour of Code last year and I knew that my students love to code.  But, my bigger concern was that way to many students were going to want to join this club.  Plus, I still don’t know that much about coding.  So, in my typical “it’s time to learn something new” fashion, I went to Twitter and did a search for #codingclub, #code, #EdTech to get some ideas.  Almost immediately, I came across a tweet that included #girlswhocode .  Reading over the information